VKUSVILL. Join us on a ride


We had to create a presentation video about the Vkusvill company structure for the brand to show to future investors. The deadlines were extremely tight – the work was to take 10 days.


Given the timing, we didn’t have time for the full production from the scratch. The solution was to work with the materials to that we already had access.

We plunged into terabits of video content in the company archives and understood that there wasn’t still enough material to assemble a striking 2 minutes video.

In the search for the way out we studied all the Vkusvill communications channels both b2c and b2b, and remarked on their unified visual style. We saw the lively ToV, non-trivial graphics, collage style, and magnifying glass visual technique. The solution to our problem was hidden in that unique style.

Not enough video content – we will assemble images in a form of a collage. Not enough time for a 3D map – we will make it 2D but with classy illustrations. Not enough materials to prove a point – we will tell the message through the captions. So, we turned the restrictions into opportunities.

The resulting dynamic video was appreciated not only by the client but by ourselves.


The creativity and speed of the team is impressive! Despite the very tight deadlines, the video was delivered on time. Everything was done on a turnkey basis. Special thanks for the prompt editing. The video is all-purpose, and reveals key facts about the company. Now we don't use it, but we'll surely use it soon for various communication campaigns.

Maria Radchenko External communications leader at Vkusvill

The Vkusvill chain sells healthy food in 64 cities in Russia. The larger part of their assortment is their own products or at least domestic production.

Режиссер, генеральный продюсер:

Анна Аботина


Алла Арутюнова

Линейные продюсеры:

Андрей Петров, Иван Дутов

Механики камер:

Константин Быковский, Олег Демкив, Николай Макаров, User name title, User name title, User name title, User name title, User name title


Александр Кургинянц, Андрей Красюков


Александр Чубаров, Александр Гордиенко


Дмитрий Петров, Александр Чернышов

Художник по гриму и костюмам:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla quam velit, vulputate eu pharetra nec, mattis ac neque. Duis vulputate commodo lectus, ac blandit elit tincidunt id. Sed rhoncus, tortor sed eleifend tristique, tortor mauris molestie elit, et lacinia ipsum quam nec dui.


Татьяна Бокова, Мария Макарова

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